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Here is a list of past & future events at Cottage Farm and speaking engagements elsewhere. Don’t hesitate to contact us on CottageFarmCornwall@gmail.com should you wish to discuss my participation at your event.

14Sep2014: Cottage Farm Open Day – http://www.superhomes.org.uk/events/cornwall-jacobstow-cottage-farm-13/

13Aug2014: Camelford Show – http://www.camelfordshow.co.uk/

24Jul2014: Launceston Show – http://www.launcestonshow.co.uk/

16Jun2014: speaking at Re-fuelling the Countryside: Opportunities for Sustainable Rural and Farm Transport. I describe how we power our farm on renewable energy alone – from tractor and delivery van to heating and electricity – http://www.transitionnc.org/node/12/3368#comment-3368

8Jun2014: Open Farm Sunday at Cottage Farm: start at 2pm, finish 5-6pm

?19Mar2014: Soil Carbon Masterclass at TVOG

?4Mar2014: Renewable Energy Champions – RenegAG

6-7Jan2014: Presenting at the Real Farming Conference, Oxford

6Dec2013: Cornwall Sustainability Awards, Atlantic Hotel, Newquay – finalists in two categories

7Nov2013: Truro College meeting with Lord Heseltine and Chris Pomfret (Chairman of the Cornwall and Isles of Scilly LEP)

9-10Oct2013: Presenting at the Soil Association conference, Innovation awards finalist

26Sep2013: Our new 50kW Endurance wind turbine has been commissioned today!

17Sep2013: Paul giving a presentation at Cafe Scientific, Launceston, 7:30 pm

21Jul2013: Cottage Farm SuperHome Open Day

30Jun2013: Visit by 43 German farmers to explore our renewable energy systems and our farming methods.

9Jun2013: Cottage Farm SuperHome Open Day,excellent feedback such as: “Thank you so much for this afternoon. You are an absolute inspiration and it is amazing how much you have achieved in such a small space of time, no doubt through masses of hard work.”

22May2013: Healthy Livestock seminar

13May2013: Foundations of our new 50kW wind turbine are in. The turbine itself will be delivered and commissioned in June. This unit will supply clean electricity equivalent to 16 homes.

11May2013: today we had two sessions with Cornwall WI, with 16 and 12 participants respectively, just about our maximum. Each sessions lasts 3-4 hours and includes coffee & cake, presentation on what we do, why and how, indoor tour, outdoor tour, organic farm walk. Nobody fell asleep and loads of questions asked! Even had a bit of an argument over the pros and cons of wind turbines with one of the visiting ladies. Excellent feedback, so more sessions may well materialise.

27Apr2013: a coachload of German tourists arrived today with over 20 people participating in a shortened SuperHome session, mostly retired farmers.

10Nov2012: Fitted immerSUN unit, which monitors our renewable energy production and sends all excess to the immersion heater and/or night storage heater. That about doubles the amount of renewable energy we are able to use directly on site, rather than exporting it to the grid only to be imported back later at much higher cost.

10Mar2013: SuperHome Open Day, part of Climate Week: coffee & cake, presentation on what we do, why and how, indoor tour, outdoor tour, animals incl new calves and lambs and an organic farm walk. http://www.transitionnc.org/node/12/2798#comment-2798

27Feb2013: Featured by 10:10 as ‘The World Most Climate Friendly Farm’: http://www.1010global.org/2012/10/worlds-most-climate-friendly-farm

8Feb2013:Organic farming conference, Royal Agricultural College, Cirencester

14Dec2012: Tamar Valley Organic Group

14Dec2012: Film released. A team of students from Bodmin College in Cornwall make biofuel from algae and waste cooking oil – with a little help from Plymouth Marine Laboratory and Cottage Farm, a farm that uses only sustainable and renewable energy sources: http://www.guardian.co.uk/science/video/2012/dec/14/biofuels-fuelling-future-video

8Dec2012: Cottage Farm has WON the Best Small Scale Renewable Scheme category for Cornwall’s Renewable Energy Awards 2012 and we walked away with an impressive glass trophy

7Dec2012: Cottage Farm has been selected as a finalist in the Best Small Scale Renewable Scheme category for Cornwall’s Renewable Energy Awards 2012. The winner will be announced on Friday 7th December 2012 at the Cornwall Sustainability Awards between 11:30 and 15:00 Green Lawns Hotel, Falmouth

22Nov2012: Cornwall Sustainability Forum

21Nov2012: Cottage Farm featured on the SWARM website, see Cottage Farm/ Whole farm approach …: http://www.swarmhub.co.uk/sub_profiles.php?id=2531
and in Organic Growers Alliance magazine.

14Nov2012: Planted further 150 trees around Cottage Farm, including Silver birch, wild cherry, common oak, rowan and willow.

1Nov2012: Planning permission for a 50kW Endurance wind turbine granted!

22Oct2012: Cornwall Sustanability Forum, inaugural meeting, member of steering group

17Oct2012: speaking engagement at ‘Sustainable Energy Pioneers’ at North Devon Energy Futures event organised by North Devon Transition Forum and with a local group called 361 Action Energy: http://www.transitionnc.org/node/12/2676#comment-2676

9Oct2012: Biofuel film, featuring Cottage Farm, has been completed. See here: http://vimeo.com/51124122

6Oct2012: OF&G, our organic certification body, have decided to showcase us in their ‘featured licensees’ section: http://www.organicfarmers.org.uk/about-organics/meet-our-licensees/cottage-farm-organics/

Also published comment: http://www.guardian.co.uk/sustainable-business/scaling-up-sustainable-development-open-thread

5Oct2012: Fieldpower Organics @ Cottage Farm featured on REconomy website as part of the ‘THE STORY OF THE NEW ECONOMY TOLD THROUGH 50 ENTERPRISES’: http://www.reconomyproject.org/?p=4044

4Oct2012: Today we are featured on the OF&G website (Organic Farmers and Growers) and a ‘featured licensee’: http://www.organicfarmers.org.uk/about-organics/meet-our-licensees/cottage-farm-organics/

14Sep2012: REconomy day: presenting a paper and leading one of the discussion events, Transition Network Conference

9Sep2012: Cottage Farm Open Day: Heritage Open Day

19Aug2012: Cottage Farm Open Day course on house and farm resilience

20Jul2012: Cornwall Renewable Energy Show, plus one page feature

5Jul2012: OF&G conference

17Jun2012: Open Farm Sunday and Cottage Farm Open Day course on house and farm resilience

20May2012: Cottage Farm Open Day course on house and farm resilience

16May2012: Soils 4 Profit, Julia Bastone, consultation

22Apr2012: Cottage Farm Open Day course on house and farm resilience

20Apr2012: Cottage Farm – filming with James Franks for a BBC educational programme on sustainability and concentrating on the practicalities of bio-diesel production.

18Mar2012: Climate Week Cottage Farm Open Day: course on house and farm resilience

17-19Mar2012: Seed visit: filming & photos involving schools and climate change, Michael and Marika

14Mar2012: EBLEX conference

29Feb2012: Guardian Sustainable Business Conference: Scaling up sustainable agriculture. Speaker and contributor

23Feb2012: Sustainable Food City: Plymouth Action Plan Launch 10.30am – 2.30pm, Plymouth Guildhall, Plymouth. For more infomation visit www.foodplymouth.org. Book your free place email info@foodplymouth.org


9Feb2012: Talk to Transition Tavistock group

1Feb2012: 5-page spread about Cottage Farm in Cornwall Today – http://www.transitionnc.org/node/45/2386#comment-2386

9Dec2011: at the Cornwall Sustainability Awards ceremony – god knows, maybe we will end up with a certificate! http://www.transitionnc.org/node/12/2288#comment-2288
yes, we have been selected for the Highly Commended award in the category of Low Carbon Business at Cornwall Sustainability Show, which basically means we came 2nd. See here http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1798282546&ref=tn_tnmn

24Nov2011: Farming Today – The three finalists are interviewed and the winner of Farmer of the Year is revealed at the BBC Food and Farming Awards: http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b017cjm4/Farming_Today_24_11_2011/

23Nov2011: at the BBC Food and Farming Awards as one of the three sustainable Farmer of the Year finalists – all hush hush, no leaks … http://www.transitionnc.org/node/12/2258#comment-2258

19-20Nov2011: at the Mebyon Kernow national conference, Bodmin: http://www.transitionnc.org/node/44/2260#comment-2260

13Nov2011: being interviewed by David Chapman from Cornwall Today re awards, sustainability, resilience and where its all leading to anyway … http://www.cornwalltoday.co.uk/ http://www.facebook.com/cornwalltoday?sk=wall

31Oct2011: presentation to the Devon Farm Management Association meeting of 100+ members to be held at Seal Hayne (Newton Abbot)

30Oct2011: Cottage Farm Open Day course on house and farm resilience: http://www.transitionnc.org/node/12/2245#comment-2245

20Oct2011: invitation to participate in a research project that is being carried out at the Royal Agricultural College on livestock farmers practices to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

16Oct2011: a 20 minute radio interview with us about Cottage Farm and our way of farming as part of the BBC Food and Farming Awards in the category of sustainable Farmer of the Year: http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/console/b015ygx0

16Aug2011: Crackington Market or order at http://www.cottagefarmorganics.co.uk/

11Oct2011: Farm inspection by and an extended interview with Michael Jacks, a former MP and a Minister, now one of the judges for the BBC Food and Farming Awards in the category of sustainable Farmer of the Year.

9 Oct2011: BBC1 Countryfile programme with a 3 minutes little clip about us about 40 minutes in. Here is the link:

26Sep2011: Filming a clip with Adam Henson for BBC 1’s Countryfile programme to be broadcast on 9th October. Also recording a whole 22 minute programme for Radio 4 (On Your Farm), which will be broadcast on 16th October at 6.30am. Good fun was had by all: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Fieldpower-Organics-at-Cottage-Farm/142171192536789?sk=wall

21Aug2011: Crackington Market or order at http://www.cottagefarmorganics.co.uk/

14Aug2011: Cottage Farm Open Day you can book here: http://www.sustainable-energyacademy.org.uk/superhomes/cottage-farm-jacobstow

11Aug2011: Article about Cottage Farm published in Earth Times here: http://www.earthtimes.org/going-green/fieldpower-organics-signposts-zero-carbon-farming/1240/

11Aug2011: Paul interviewed as part of a Government survey amongst innovators in sustainable farming

10Aug2011: Camelford Show, see Cottage Farm in the Food Hall

31Jul2011: Bude Cornish Day, see us at the MK stand

28-29Jul2011: The Cornwall Renewable Energy Show: TransitionNC will be exhibiting and Paul is speaking on the subject of Zero Carbon Resilient Farming. Details here http://www.transitionnc.org/node/83/2151#comment-2151

24Jul2011: Paul interviewed on Radio Cornwall about Cottage Farm, the resilient zero carbon farm.

21Jul2011: Cottage Farm at the Launceston Show. See us in the Food Hall.

17Jul2011: Crackington Market

10Jul2011: Cottage Farm Open Day

21Jun2011: Duchy College’s Clear About Carbon visit Cottage Farm: a day to explain what why and how we do what we do. Emphasis on novel grass varieties, humus building, renewable electricity and renewable transport fuel.

18-19Jun2011: Transition Training, closed group

19Jun2011: Crackington Market

12Jun2011: Cottage Farm Open Day specifically for local farmers with emphasis on renewable energy on farm and organic farming innovations.

1Jun2011: Evening with James Lovelock, Launceston

25May2011: Lecture by Simon Farlie, Totnes

8May2011: Cottage Farm Open Day

13Apr2011: Cottage Farm featured in The Post, Cornish Guardian, BBC Radio Cornwall and elsewhere as the first and only SuperHome in Cornwall. See here http://www.thisiscornwall.co.uk/news/Green-life-lesson-county-s-SuperHome/article-3437073-detail/article.html and http://www.bude-today.co.uk/news.cfm?id=13607&searchword=dan%20rogerson

2Apr2011: Climate Week ‘SuperHome’ interview with BBC Radio Cornwall about Cottage Farm the house, renewable energy and farming methods.

2Apr2011: Climate Week Cottage Farm Open Day for local MP, Cornwall Councillors and the media. Dan Rogerson and all the Councillors seem to have greatly enjoyed the day – having extended my planned 30 minute presentation to almost two hours by engaging in a vigerous debate of many of the issues raised. Meanwhile, Dan’s lovely family have been playing with the new born lambs, getting the eggs from the chickens, running with calves and peeking at our sitting geese. Great day! See http://www.transitionnc.org/node/53/1984 and http://www.danrogerson.org/2011/04/04/super-homes-open-day/

27Mar2011: Climate Week Cottage Farm Open Day: another very successful day with some 14 guests listening, questioning and inspecting. Great!

25-26Mar2011: UK Aware exhibition and presentations, Olympia, London. Part of Climate Weeks. http://ukaware.com/show/index.php?id=7

22Mar2011: Presenting to Parliament, The All Party Parliamentary Group on Peak Oil: Ultra-Low Carbon Farming: Urban and Rural Case Studies. Speakers:
Dr Robert Biel (University College London)
Paul Sousek (Cottage Farm, Cornwall)
Tuesday March 22nd – 6.30pm
Committee Room 10, House of Commons

6Mar2011: Cottage Farm Open Day for delegates to Transition Conference – Cornwall

3Dec2010: Cornwall Sustainability Awards

29Nov2010: Cottage Farm featured in The Post and various local Parish magazines.

25Nov2010: Paul to lead a workshop at the National Eco-Innovation Forum hosted by Policy Review and supported by the Environment Agency at Westminster Central Hall, London.
Other invited speakers include: Richard Hill, Director, Homes and Communities Agency (HCA); Tensie Whelan, President, Rainforest Alliance; Philip Sellwood, Chief Executive, Energy Saving Trust; Duncan Jones, Waste Partnership Development Manager, Hertfordshire Waster Partnership; Will Day, Chairman, Sustainable Development Commission.

24Nov2010: Presentation to a London Transition Group

14Nov2010: Crackington Local Producers Fair

27 Oct2010: TNC Transition Twinning initiative featured as one of a few exemplar projects in a new report called Metamorphosis in the City from Ecology and Development (ECODES), a nonprofit organisation which focuses its work to promote sustainable development: Inovative Social Initiatives intended to demonstrate principles for achieving sustainability in cities.

17Oct2010: Bangors Organic Market and open day,

17 Oct2010: Crackington Local Producers Fair

15 Oct2010: Cornwall Sustainability Awards – Cottage Farm selected as finalists in two categories, visit and inspection by judges

3 Oct2010: Open Day at Cottage Farm

29Sep2010: Transition Farm presentation to London TT groups, plus Fieldpower Organics, plus Transition Twinning

20Sep2010: Open Day at Cottage Farm exclusively for Benula members

19Sep2010: Open Day at Cottage Farm: http://www.transitionnc.org/node/83#comment-1529

1Sep2010: Cottage Farm featured in the ‘Ten of the Best Cornish Eco Farms’ in the Green edition of Cornwall Today

26Aug2010: Cottage Farm at Holsworthy Show: find us in the food tent

18Aug2010: Open Day at Cottage Farm exclusively for Friends of the Earth

15Aug2010: Open Day at Cottage Farm: http://www.transitionnc.org/node/83/1428#comment-1428

12Aug2010: Big Barn features carbon neutral service to London from Cornish organic farms: http://www.bigbarn.co.uk/marketplace/vendors/Fieldpower

11Aug2010: Cottage Farm at Camelford Show: find us in the food tent

1 Aug2010: Cottage Farm featured on Big Barn: http://www.bigbarn.co.uk/marketplace/vendors/Cottage

10 Aug2010: Cottage Farm featured as a case study on Farming Futures: http://www.farmingfutures.org.uk/resources/case-studies/paul-sousek-carbon-neutral-farm

7Jul2010: Cottage Farm featured as a case study at Sustainable Development Commission: http://www.sd-commission.org.uk/communitiessummit/show_region.php?region=60&page=1

1Jul2010: Cottage Farm becomes Carbon Neutral (assessed using Climate Friendly Food carbon calculator (www.Climatefriendlyfood.org.uk)

27Jun2010: Cottage Farm featured as a case study at Farming Futures: http://www.farmingfutures.org.uk/resources/case-studies/paul-sousek-carbon-neutral-farm

15Jun2010: Cottage Farm tour for an organic farmers group from Germany

12-13Jun2010: Cottage Farm presentation featured at the Transition Network International Conference: http://www.transitionnc.org/node/12/1415#comment-1415

6Jun2010: Cottage Farm Open Day: http://www.transitionnc.org/node/12/1356#comment-1356

19May2010: Cottage Farm has been accepted as the first ‘Superhome’ in Cornwall and just one of two in the whole of South West: http://www.transitionnc.org/node/45/1360#comment-1360#

28Mar2010: Cottage Farm Open Day: http://www.transitionnc.org/node/83/1270#comment-1270

15Mar2010: Presentation about Cottage Farm at The Royal Agricultural College, Cirencester: http://www.transitionnc.org/node/45/1267#comment-1267. Other speakers are: Prof. Brian Thomas, from the University of Warwick, and Will Fazer, at Farming Futures, who will be addressing issues related to climate change; Nick Snelgar, from Future Farms in Martin, Hampshire, who will present his farming methods; and Nicola Cannon, from the RAC, who will be talking more specifically about crops.

20Jan2010: Cottage Farm featured on Grand Design Great British Refurb: http://www.transitionnc.org/node/45/1173#comment-1173

Paul Sousek, Cottage Farm, Jacobstow, Cornwall

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