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At Cottage Farm we have established a herd of native rare breed  Red Ruby cattle, a flock of native rare breed Wiltshire Horn sheep, and we also keep chickens, geese, ducks, the occasional piglet and our best friend, Mambo, the sheep dog. Click on each image to enlarge:

Some of our flock of sheep.

Wiltshire Horn sheep Some of our beautiful flock of Wiltshire Horn sheep Our magnificent Wiltshire Horn Ram Sheep left out in the cold!

Some of our Red Ruby cattle .xxxxxx

Mother Belle and little  Cottage belle 1st
Barty our Red Ruby Bull Barty Pansy What A Cow Our herd of Red Ruby cattle Looking for grass

Our chickens and geese

Chickens left out in the cold Our flock of geese – look at the beautifull colours Our flock of geese Pheasant – one of our wild visitors


At Cottage Farm we have demonstrated that it is possible to farm sustainable and in a resilient manner, that is organically, without using fossil fuels but still utilising machinery and energy. I’ve also given presentations about sustainable farming at The Royal Agriculture College, The Transition Network conference, the Eco-Innovations conference at Westminster Hall and in Parliament addressing MPs from an All Party Parliamentary Group. We are a very energy efficient farm – below are some photos.

Cottage Farm with PV and Solar Thermal Panels The Magnificent Wind Turbine 6m3 Of Re-Enforced Concrete Foundations For The Wind Turbine On-GridInverters For The PV Panels And Wind Turbine Pressure Vessel And Filters For Bore Hole System
My Trusty Landy Bio-Diesel Machine Heat Store Hydraulic Log Splitter Circular Saw For all That Wood

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